News & Updates
TV & Film Quiz
📍Paul Village Hall
🗓️ Saturday 22nd March
⏱️ 7pm
Licensed Bar
Tickets £5
All raising money for Mousehole Harbour Lights
Coffee Morning
📍The Old Coastguard ~ Mousehole
🗓️ Saturday 9th November
⏱️ 10.30 am - 12.30 pm
Raffle, Auction &, Handmade Gifts
Tea / Coffee & Cakes
All raising money for Mousehole Harbour Lights
2024 Display
We are pleased to confirm the dates of this year’s display:
Switch on ~ 12th December
Last night ~ 5th January
Please note that , on the December 19th all of the Lights except the Millenium Cross on St Clements Island, the Cross and Angels on Raginnis Hill and the cross on the Penlee Lifeboat Station will be switched off from 8pm. This is in memory of the tragic loss of life that occurred on the same date in 1981, when the Penlee Lifeboat Solomon Browne was lost with all hands during a valiant attempt to rescue the crew and passengers of the coaster Union Star who also perished.
New store sponsors
Sponsor a Cross bulb
The following are persons (or their nominees) who have sponsored new bulbs for the Celtic Cross during our Fundraising for the New Lights Store at Raginnis. Thank You!
1 - Raydene Jacobs
2 - Ezra Cole
3 - Judah Cole
4 - Tali Cole
5 - Les Watson
6 - The Collards
7 - Holly Black
8 - Andrew W.S. Robinson
9 - Georgie & the Prices
10 - Ronald FJ Taylor
11 - Circuits R Us
12 - Rosemary Congdon
13 - Gareth & Kate Willey
14 - Ron Heaver
15 - The Pronger Family
16 - Francesca Chesters
17 - David Smith
18 to 21 - Clare Milner
22 to 26 - Michael Male
27 - Nathan Wilcock
28 - Eileen Gough
29 - The Wright Family (Herts)
30 - Jim Herriot
31 - Linda Male
32 - Tim McInerny
33 - Takeshi Osada
34 - Raphael Lebel-Hardwick
35 - Freya Lebel-Hardwick
36 - Henry Hardwick
37 - Oscar Hardwick
38 - Sid Hillier
39 - Viv Hillier
40 - Julia Tucker
41 - Jasmine Tucker
42 - Grey Seal Media
43 - Thousand Films
Island Visit ~ August 2023
Island Visit ~ August 2023
Taking advantage of the calm weather last week for a maintenance trip to the island to carry out some repairs to the Celtic Cross. 💡 ☀️ 🔋 ✅.
Successful mission, bulbs replaced, solar power supply checked and all tested.
Thank you to the team members and Steve for the 📷
New Sponsor.
Mousehole Harbour Lights is proud to announce that it has been chosen as the Preferred Charity that Mousehole Association Football Club will be supporting for the forthcoming season.
The Football Club has appointed Ticketpass to handle their on-line ticket sales and the dates and details of the first three pre-season home matches are already posted on the Ticketpass website. To access those details and purchase tickets simply click on this link https://links.mouseholeafc.co.uk/ . Mousehole Harbour Lights will receive a donation for every ticket sold.
All of MHL’s Trustees and Members wish Mousehole AFC every success for the forthcoming season, a fitting convergence of two organisations that started out in shared premises in Duck Street some fifty years ago.Please support them by buying tickets to see some great football and help MHL along the way!